Rogationist Publications

Is committed to promoting a culture of vocations in the Catholic Church through our magazine, Vocations and Prayer and various prayer resources specifically created to aid in vocation ministry.
Vocations and Prayer Resource Catalog and Magazine are publications of the Rogationist Fathers dedicated to pray for vocations, following the command of Jesus “Pray Therefore the Lord of the Harvest to send Workers to his Harvest” (Mt 9,38 & Lk 10,2) and the inspiration of their founder St. Hannibal M. Di Francia (1851-1927) “Apostle of Prayer for Vocations, Patron of Vocations.”

  • Prayer Cards
  • Booklets and Pamphlets
  • Books and Videos

Vocations and Prayer Magazine

Vocations and Prayer magazine is the expression of the Rogationist Fathers of the Heart of Jesus' commitment to serving today’s Church in North America in the field of Vocations. Vocations and Prayer is a quarterly magazine on Vocation Ministry intended for all those who are involved in a promotional and educational program for vocations. We seek to foster a culture of vocations.

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